EEIG - European Economic Interest Grouping

EEIG – an innovative Solution on EU Level

EEIG or  “European Economic Interest Grouping”   has been introduced by the EU Government in 1986 and is in all member states ratified and acknowledged.

UK and France had previously agreed on a similar construct of a company on bilateral level, to support the collaboration between British and French companies in the project of the tunnel between UK and France. It turned out to be very successful. An EEIG has elements of an association and a foundation combined, in its own identity. At least 2 up to 20 members out of minimum 2 European member states  can form an EEIG, which can move its residence freely throughout all EU states. The members continue their own business through the EEIG, which often helps to finance bigger projects and get their share according to their earnings. An EEIG is not  taxable on state level. The statutes of an EEIG are relatively open, the inner relationships and responsibilities between the members have to be very clearly identified and regulated, since all members are liable to any debts of the EEIG. Lately more often international big projects are managed entirely trough an EEIG. If planned and organized carefully, an EEIG can serve also for SMEs and self employed Individuals as a very effective and sustainable tax vehicle, a solution for the Internationalization, financing,  and profit optimization of their companies. We would love to hear from you, to discuss first ideas of your projects.